If you aim to have the largest amount of screen space for a workbook area, use the Auto-hide option to get Excel in kind of full screen mode:

Click the Ribbon Display Options icon at the top-right corner and choose Show Tabs. In Excel 20, this option is called Minimize the Ribbon. In Excel 2013, 2016, and 2019, right-click anywhere on the ribbon and select Collapse the Ribbon from the context menu. Another quick way to hide the ribbon in Excel is to click the up arrow in the lower-right corner of the ribbon. The ribbon can also be collapsed by double-clicking an active tab. The fastest way to hide Excel ribbon is to press Ctrl + F1. To see only the tab names without commands like in the screenshot below, use any of the following techniques:

If the ribbon takes up too much space at the top of your worksheet, especially on a small screen laptop, you can collapse it to show only the tab names or hide the ribbon altogether.

Similar methods can be used to hide ribbon in Excel, and the next section explains the details. This will show the ribbon in the default full view with all the tabs and commands.

In this short tutorial, you will find 5 quick and easy ways to restore Excel ribbon in case it is missing and learn how to hide the ribbon to get more room for your worksheet.